
Monday, July 31, 2006


camping in our yard
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
No I'm not crawling in this picture - I'm resting up in the back yard for my next big crawling adventure.

I'm slowly learning - I can't really get too far yet, but I think I'm getting the mechanics down. Every time I'm on my back, I immediately roll over on my front and scrunch my legs underneath me. Then I straighten them out and stick my butt in the air and do a faceplant. Then I do it all over again. It's very tiring, but take it very seriously - even if other people think it's kind of funny looking. I scooted about a foot across the bed today, and then got really frustrated. I'll get it tomorrow though! Or maybe the next day.

Lots of folks are coming over on Wednesday. I hope it stays cool enough for BBQ fun! I can't wait to see them - all sorts of cousins and great uncles and aunts and all around nifty folks. Hoooray!


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