
Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Perfect Fourth

Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Actually, it wasn't the Fourth at all, but the weekend before. Mom and Dad and I decided to take a break from errands and go to Gloucester/Glahstah. We had fun walking along the shore and visiting the Lost Fishermen Memorial. I don't think I'll be a fisherman - I'm not sure if I like fish enough.

It was pretty hot and windy, so I was kind of a grump until we found this nice shady back porch right over the water - it was a perfect place for me to have my lunch. Then we went to an artists colony but didn't see many artists or much art. It was probably too hot for art anyway.

One of the goals of the trip was to hang out at the beach, but we didn't get there until late in the day, and half the state of Massachusetts was already there with their umbrellas, water wings, inflatable walruses, and portable cabanas, so we just soaked in the spectacle and drove on past.

I'm looking forward to this Sunday - it's Mom and Dad's anniversary and they're going to celebrate by having some neighbors and friends over for a barbecue. We're going to use the grill that I got for Dad for Father's day (I went halvsies with my pal Scooter from upstairs, so it's his Dad's present too). Fun!


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