
Friday, April 14, 2006

Hey YOU!

Happy Friday!

Mom says I've been smiling a lot now, but we don't have the photographic evidence yet to prove it. I also like talking to my friend the Panda, and my favorite thing to do is to read the Mulberry street book and sit in my bouncy chair. Oh, and working out in my gym is fun too (when the cat's not using it). It's a good life so far!

Now that the weather is turning nice, we'll be able to spend lots of time outside, watching the birds hop around and the flowers bloom and the trees grow some green leaves.

I'm really looking forward to visiting with Grandpa Vin and Grandma Kay and my Granddog Fuller this weekend. Apparently, I really like dogs, because most of my outfits (ie. the ones without bears on them) are covered with dogs and bones and stuff. I even have at least three identical outfits with a big blue dog on the butt. So it should be fun to play with Fuller.


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