
Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mom's Day

My upstairs friend
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
I was a very good baby today for Mom, which was the best present of all.

It's been raining like crazy here for what seems like forever, so we can't go for our fun weekend walks outside. So instead, we all went to the mall today, and Dad and I did lots of laps and made some friends while Mom did some shopping for much needed non-maternity duds.

We also got to hang around a bit with our neighbors, and I visited with my new pal Scooter (not his real name, but what I'll call him on this worldwide broadcast) who lives upstairs. I was very happy to see him again. If it ever stops raining, and if we ever learn to walk, we're going to have lots of fun zooming around the back yard together. Until then, it's just fun to sit and talk. Since he's about six weeks older than me, maybe he can teach me how to do important big boy stuff like holding my head straight. I haven't quite figured out the secret to that yet.

Happy Mom's day to all of the Grandmas out there! Thanks for stopping by my blog.



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