
Sunday, October 28, 2007

Fall Has Arrived

Crosby loves basketball.
Originally uploaded by enwudz
It's been too long since I posted a new entry here. I'm almost 20 months old now. Does that mean that I'm "pushing 2"? Grandpa Menzel just turned 60... wow! We went to NJ for a fabulous surprise party. I enjoyed seeing all my relatives, and opening and closing all the doors at Grandpa's house. I wore this basketball shirt because Grandpa LOVES basketball. I should probably be wearing a baseball shirt now though. Everyone in town is going crazy about the Red Sox in the World Series. At least I've been wearing my red socks a lot this week.

This weekend Grandma Vitale came to visit and we had a lot of fun together. We went to a farm, took a hayride, went to my Gymboree class, and went to the park of course. And the big shopping mall. I don't like shopping but it's fun to run around the stores and ride the escalators and stuff.

My door obsession is now being rivaled by my obsession with my CD's. I like to have nonstop music on when we're at home. As soon as one CD ends, I hurry over to the CD player and tell Mom or Dad to put in a new one. I'm good at pushing the right button to turn it on.

One of my other recent interests is garbage cans. When we go to the park, I spend most of the time picking up rocks, sticks, and pieces of litter, and putting them into the garbage can. I'm just tall enough to reach over the edge of the can. And when I go for walks in my stroller, I like to point out every garbage can we pass and exclaim "Garbage!" (well it sounds more like "Duh-didge!")

Other new things... hmmm....oh, I'm learning to use a toothbrush, and I'm getting a little better at using a fork and spoon. Exciting stuff!


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