
Sunday, June 10, 2007

Climbing, Chatting, Bouncing, Singing, Standing

Scary Slide
Originally uploaded by enwudz
Mom took me to a new park on Friday and we had the best time. We had a picnic and watched the big kids play baseball. I kept trying to crawl over to join them, but Mom keep carrying me back to the blanket to eat my Cheerios instead. I really liked watching them play basketball too. That's my kind of game... I know how to bounce a ball, and raise my arms up (SO BIG!), and that's pretty much all they seemed to be doing. Everytime I saw them raise their arms up, I raised mine up too. Maybe next time they'll notice my talent and let me join in the game.

And then I went and climbed on things at the playground. I'm good at climbing up, but then I don't know how to climb down the steps, and I can't go down the slide by myself yet.

And THEN, I got to crawl around the sprinkler fountain where everyone was splashing around to cool off. I squealed and flapped my arms everytime the shower of water hit me. It was almost as much fun as the big inflatable bouncy castle that I played a few weekends ago at our next door neighbor's birthday party. THAT was the most fun I've ever had in my whole life. I couldn't stop laughing, especially when Mom and Dad were jumping up and down in there. I wish we could do that every day!

My latest trick is that I can sing! Or at least hum. I learned how to hum Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. Dad says I'm flat on the 7th note, but I think it sounds pretty good. The second half of the song is sort of unrecognizable, but I try my best. I love humming it in my crib at bedtime, and in the car. Sometimes instead of humming, I sing it like this: "Ya ya, ya ya, ya ya yaaaaa!"

In other news, I had two tough days in a row this week... getting shots at the doctor on Wednesday, followed by my first real haircut on Thursday. Mom took me to her hairdresser, so I was in the salon with all the ladies. It was horrible. I cried the whole time. Luckily it only lasted 10 minutes.

I say lots more words now... BA means ball, bear, and bath. "DAT!" means hat, cat, or "I want that". DULK means milk, CHEESH is cheese, NANA is banana, and HOUSE is house. I like to say WOOF, BAAA, and roar like a lion too.

And the last update I can think of is that I can stand by myself now for a number of seconds, but I still won't walk without holding on to something. Maybe later this month. And then I can go play baseball and basketball!


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