
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Big Weekend!

Andy, Zip, and Croz
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
I heard a rumor that I have some big fans out in Portland Oregon - this photo's for them!

So far it hasn't really been that wintery out here, which is good for me because I don't like bundling up in my fuzzy crozzlesuit so much.

On Friday we all went down to the pool for family hour - it was a madhouse. A madhouse! Crazy splashing babies and kids everywhere. I finally started to have some fun just as we were about to leave - I was having a great time making big splashes and chasing a ball around. Yesterday we tried out our baby backpack for the first time. Mom and Dad and I walked down to East Arlington for some Christmas shopping during Arlington's big first lights festival. Mom and Dad got a free cookie at Quebrada bakery (Mmmmm!!) while I had some milk.

On Saturday night I got to visit with my friend Andy for the first time. I really liked him a lot, and I think he liked me too. He was making Mom and Dad laugh lots with his funny stories, and I was making him laugh lots with my funny faces.

Today we had a great time up in Lexington at a staff brunch for church. I'm a pretty popular guy at church - I like to try and distract people with my big grins during the service.

That's about all the news from here. It hasn't been as action-packed around here as it was in Maine over Thanksgiving, so I'm really looking forward to seeing everybody over Christmas. Thanks for stopping by!

As always, check my flickr page for the latest photos.


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