
Tuesday, February 06, 2007

11 months!

Bubbles are Fun!
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Now that I'm 11 months old, I've learned all sorts of new things. I can wave bye bye and hello, I can point out the dogs and cats and bears in my picture book, I can go get my stuffed dog when Mom or Dad asks me to go get it. I can cruise from one end of the couch to the other, and I can play lots of tunes on my music table, and rearrange the magnets on the fridge. And I like having long conversations with Dad... he says "Crosby!" and I say "Da Da!" and then he says "Crosby!" and I say "Da Da" and then... okay, you get the idea.

This weekend was great. Mom's super-fun friend Annie came to visit from Portland, Oregon. She read me books and played with me, and I was sad to see her go. Check out the new photos!


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