
Sunday, August 19, 2007


Originally uploaded by enwudz
Dat's what I say when I see Zip the cat. Other than following Zip around the house, my favorite activities these days are rolling balls down the spiral ramp toy that Grandma Vitale gave me, and going down slides at the park.

I go a little wild on the slide. I can go all by myself now, without holding Mom's hand, and a sometimes I'm so excited to slide down that I don't take the time to stick my feet out straight, and I just zip down on my side. Or I go backward on my tummy. I try to go head first but Mom doesn't let me unless it's the tiny baby slide.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Beach Trip

Grandpa Menzel and Croz and Scout
Originally uploaded by enwudz
We went to Long Beach Island 2 weekends ago to visit Grandpa Menzel, Grandma Roberts, Fuller, Uncle Greg and Aunt Carey. I like it there! We went to the beach and I was SO excited when we first got there that I was squealing...I've never seen anything as big as the ocean! Well I guess I saw it last year, but I was little so I don't remember. I sat in the sand at the edge of the water and loved it, but after about 5 minutes, I was done. It was kind of uncomfortable being all sandy and wet, and sometimes a bigger wave would come and that was scary. So next time we went to the bay beach instead, where there aren't any waves. That was more my speed. Actually, I really liked the little inflatable baby pool in the backyard of Grandma and Grandpa's house that I could crawl in and out of. Their backyard is great because it's FULL of pebbles, and one of my favorite things to do is to pick up rocks and study them and carry them around.

We brought my toys and books, so I made everybody read "Bear Wants More" about 10 times a day, and I played a lot with my shape-sorting toolbox that makes funny noises. That's my favorite toy this week.

It was a great trip but I was happy to get home to my own crib. Speaking of cribs, I've been very unwilling to take naps lately. I used to quietly settle down to sleep, but the past 2 weeks I've been putting up a real fight and doing lots of crying. Mom is hoping it's just a phase.

Since we've been back, my favorite thing to do is to go to the park and climb UP the slide and then go DOWN the stairs. I just learned how to do both of those things. The only problem is when there are other kids there who like to go UP the stairs and DOWN the slide. Don't they know it's more fun the other way?!