
Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Sproing! It's Spring!

holding down the fort
Originally uploaded by enwudz
I've been enjoying the springtime so much that I've let over 2 months pass since my last update. I've been learning about robins and tulips and inchworms and dandelions. I get to run around the park, throw rocks in the pond, and play in the back yard with Scooter and all our trucks and balls, which we also like to send rolling down our steep driveway over and over again.

My love for garbage cans continues to blossom. Some days, when Dad asks me what I did during the day, the first thing I'll tell him is "Park... garbage can!" My favorite garbage can is one that sits at the top of a big hill that overlooks Boston. I specifically request to go to the "climb the hill garbage can park". And don't get me started about Oscar the Grouch. He lives in a garbage can, you know.

My current favorite books include "Oscar's Grouchy Sounds", "Curious George Goes to School", and "Cat in the Hat Comes Back" (that's a long one, but I listen to the whole thing).

I'm very good at singing the whole ABC song now, although the very end of it is a little improvised still ("Nowwa no ba ABCs..."). And I like announcing the numbers and letters that I see on signs when we're out and about. Like if we get in the fifth checkout line at the grocery store, I'll shout out "Number 5!"

People who know me well say that I've really come out of my shell since I've turned two. I guess that's true. I've gotten more social and brave and talkative and outgoing. So come over and play sometime!