
Sunday, February 01, 2009

Winter's not so bad!

Originally uploaded by enwudz
I've had such a busy and fun weekend! On Friday we drove up to New Hampshire to see my cousins Noel and Johanna and Lila and Alexander. They're all my cousins to such-and-such degree or so-and-so removal; it's hard to keep track sometimes. But what I do know is that they're all super fun. We stayed over on Friday night, and then on Saturday we played out in the snow and inside too. Lila showed me their nifty tree-house-in-the-snow, and Alexander kindly shared his legos and train table trains. I really miss having them all live just up the road in Arlington, but I'm glad they're still pretty close by. Then some of the neighbors came over (they're all very nice and neighborly up there in the Nubanusit co-housing community) and looked after us kids while Mom and Dad went out snowshoeing with Noel and Johanna.

Then today we went to the big hill park in Arlington for some sledding. I love the big hill! I've been practicing going by myself, and today I started all the way at the top of the hill and went so FAST. I told Mom and Dad that I went "ZOOM" and "This is so much FUN!". Hooray for Winter (at least when the weather's nice).

In other news, I am still in love with letters. I know all of the sounds they make, and I'm even learning some of the tricky sounds like "ch!" and "sh!" and "th!". Also, I've been studying up on how letters come together to make words ... it's pretty magical and I love it all. I've also become really good at choosing CDs and playing them myself on my little CD player or in the big stereo CD player too (when Mom and Dad let me). I'm especially fond of my Brazilian CDs lately ... "Samba CD!" And one last bit of big news tonight .... we had a potty success! Hoooray! Everybody was very happy, especially me.

All in all, it's fun being almost three.