
Monday, July 31, 2006


camping in our yard
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
No I'm not crawling in this picture - I'm resting up in the back yard for my next big crawling adventure.

I'm slowly learning - I can't really get too far yet, but I think I'm getting the mechanics down. Every time I'm on my back, I immediately roll over on my front and scrunch my legs underneath me. Then I straighten them out and stick my butt in the air and do a faceplant. Then I do it all over again. It's very tiring, but take it very seriously - even if other people think it's kind of funny looking. I scooted about a foot across the bed today, and then got really frustrated. I'll get it tomorrow though! Or maybe the next day.

Lots of folks are coming over on Wednesday. I hope it stays cool enough for BBQ fun! I can't wait to see them - all sorts of cousins and great uncles and aunts and all around nifty folks. Hoooray!

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Down the Shore

Hi Everybody! I'm having a great time on vacation down on Long Beach Island. Yesterday Grandpa Menzel and Grandma Roberts had a ton of people over for a family reunion, and I got to meet lots of relatives and fun folks. I had a great time hanging out with my little 2nd cousin Mia (I can call her little because I'm about 2 months older than she is). There was all sorts of very tasty food for people to eat, but I just stuck with milk because that's my favorite.

There are tons of new photos up for all of my fans out there. Hope you all are having a great weekend! Thanks for stopping by.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Fun in NJ

uncle johnny 1
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
I'm having a great time here in New Jersey seeing some of my favorite people. Here's my funny uncle Johnny, who makes me laugh and dances with me to my South Pacific Islands music CD. I've been having fun hanging out with Grandma and Pop Vitale, and with Great Grandma McSherry too. Plus I've been able to sleep in later than I normally do, because Zip the cat isn't here to wake me up at 5am, when he starts complaining that he wants to eat breakfast. If only I could convince him that breakfast is SO much better around 7am or so.


Fun at the Vitales

Monday, July 17, 2006


swinging 2
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
It's been super HOT lately here. Almost too hot to go outside, which is too bad because that's one of my favorite things to do. This evening Dad and I went for a walk down near Spy Pond and watched all the people swimming and dogs splashing around. But it was so muggy that I got grumpy and we had to go home.

We had a bunch of folks over this weekend for a barbecue. It was fun getting to know the neighbors. There were two other babies there and I got to show them all of my tricks.

We're going to NJ soon to see lots of grandpas and grandmas. I can't wait to see them!

Friday, July 14, 2006

Video Test

My friend scooter came over a couple of nights ago, and we had a great time laughing at each other. Actually, I had a great time laughing at him, because he makes funny monkey/dinosaur sounds. Scooter's dad recorded some video - I hope these work!

Here's one:

Here's another. For some reason, I cannot get the sound to work on this one, which is too bad, because that's the funniest part. Oh well.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

4 months

Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Today I'm one third of my way to being a 1-year old! And I think I'm now as heavy as Zip the cat. I've been very interested lately in that cat. I like to watch his tail waving around. I bet we'll have lots of fun when I start walking around and chasing him!

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

A Perfect Fourth

Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Actually, it wasn't the Fourth at all, but the weekend before. Mom and Dad and I decided to take a break from errands and go to Gloucester/Glahstah. We had fun walking along the shore and visiting the Lost Fishermen Memorial. I don't think I'll be a fisherman - I'm not sure if I like fish enough.

It was pretty hot and windy, so I was kind of a grump until we found this nice shady back porch right over the water - it was a perfect place for me to have my lunch. Then we went to an artists colony but didn't see many artists or much art. It was probably too hot for art anyway.

One of the goals of the trip was to hang out at the beach, but we didn't get there until late in the day, and half the state of Massachusetts was already there with their umbrellas, water wings, inflatable walruses, and portable cabanas, so we just soaked in the spectacle and drove on past.

I'm looking forward to this Sunday - it's Mom and Dad's anniversary and they're going to celebrate by having some neighbors and friends over for a barbecue. We're going to use the grill that I got for Dad for Father's day (I went halvsies with my pal Scooter from upstairs, so it's his Dad's present too). Fun!