
Wednesday, September 27, 2006

quick trick block stack

Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Like that stack of blocks I made? I got a little help from Grandma Vitale. She came to see me this weekend and we played a lot together, and she even let mom and dad go out without me to have lunch and go for a bike ride and stuff. And she watched me at my swimming class that I'm taking now with my pal Scooter from upstairs. I like trying to grab the floaty toys in the pool.

HAPPY BIRTHDAYS to Grandma Woods today, and to Papa John yesterday!

I got three shots yesterday at the doctor's. Ouch! Ouch!! Ouch!!! But I'm okay now. I'm getting another step closer to crawling. I can get on my hands and knees and rock back and forth. Just give me a couple more weeks and I think I'll figure it out.

Click on this photo to see another nice picture of me with Grandma, and of me at my swimming class.

Monday, September 18, 2006


diaper guy
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Bababalalada! Dadagabadabaga. Mamababaladabagala. Yup I talk just like the grownups do now. At least that's what it sounds like they're saying all the time. I like to shout sometimes too, just to see how loud I can be. BAAAAH!

Saturday, September 09, 2006

sitting up

sitting up
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Sure, I know you all know how to sit up already, but to me it's a pretty big deal. I'm getting better at it but I still tip over a lot... good thing those pillows are there! And guess what? I've got 2 teeth coming in! They were bothering me and I was trying to tell Mom and Dad all day-- I was crying and drooling like a faucet and rubbing my tongue against my bottom gums. Finally Mom got a clue and took a peek in my mouth and there they were, poking up. Hooray! So now do I get to eat cookies?

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Maine! And Birthday!

Silly Grin
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Hi folks! Sorry it's been so long since I've updated this site, but I've been a busy guy. This last weekend, we went up to Maine to see Grandma and Grandpa Woods' new place for the first time. It's in a really nice spot, right next to a river that flows out into the Atlantic Ocean a couple of miles away. There were lots of trees around, and the leaves were already starting to change colors a little bit. Mom and Dad had a great time paddling around in the river in a kayak that dad built from a kit a long time ago - it was the first time the boat had been put in the water. Good thing it floated OK! Dad even got yelled at by a pair of loons on the river.

I had a great time hanging out with Grandma and Grandpa. Grandma Woods helped me nap a few times and kept me entertained while Mom was working and Dad was moving furniture around. Grandpa Woods made me laugh lots with his funny faces. And it was great to see my grand-dogs Royt and Bella too - Royt especially liked to try to steal my toys and Bella was always sticking her wet nose in my ears - Fun! I can't wait to go back and see them all again.

The big news around here is that tomorrow is my birthday! Yup, I'll be a half a year old tomorrow - I can't believe that time is going by so quickly. I've been learning all sorts of tricks lately - my new favorite game is "airplane/pushup." First I roll over on my tummy and stick my legs and arms up in the air and fly like a plane, then I slam my arms down and do a pushup, trying to get my head as high as possible off of the ground.

It feels like "Back to School" weather around here - the nights are getting cool and the leaves are all rustly. Good thing I don't have to go to school yet!

That's it for now - thanks for stopping by.