
Thursday, October 26, 2006


bedtime bundle
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Looks like I'm about to brave the Arctic snow, right? Nope- I'm just getting ready for bed. It gets chilly in my crib at night and Dad doesn't want to turn the heat on yet. So I get "double bagged" with 2 fleece sleepsacks ON TOP of my fuzzy pumpkin pajamas, plus a t-shirt underneath! It's a production putting on all those layers because I love rolling over on the changing table. It was even more of a production the other night when I pooped right before bedtime and Dad had to undo all the layers to change my diaper.

On a different note, tomorrow is a very special day... Happy Birthdays to Grandma Vitale AND Great-Grandma McSherry! I hope they have lots of fun and eat cake. I ate prunes for the first time today and they were delicious! I wonder if cake is as yummy as prunes.

Monday, October 23, 2006

Nifty Sweater!

Sweater from Grandma Woods
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Thanks to Grandma Woods for making this sweater for me. I'm finally big enough to fit in it - just in time for the cool weather! I was sporting it around town the other day and getting lots of admiring glances.

Hmmm - and maybe Maclaren will send us big bucks for advertising their stroller for them.

There sure was a lot of banging around in the house this weekend. Dad was busy trying to put in the stained glass window that Mom picked out. Before there was nothing there but a big hole in the wall. It was getting kind of breezy in here! Even though the hole is all plugged now, it still gets kind of chilly at night, so tonight I'm wearing my big funny mittens to bed.

Last night we had dinner at our favorite burger place with my new cousin Alexander. I'm a bit of a giant compared to him - but he's growing fast! Dinner was extra good because my cousin Lila brought me a present. Even though she's just 3-and-a-half, she thought of bringing me a gift all on her own. Thanks Lila!

Happy Birthday to Grandpa Menzel!

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Grandparents and GrandDogs

funny blue hat 2
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Look how happy I was to see Grandpa Menzel, Grandma Roberts and Fuller this weekend. My favorite part was when we all went to the playground. Grandpa likes going on the swings, just like me. (click on the photo to see!). And he likes naps too-- I must get my good sleeping habits from him. Grandma Roberts claps and cheers like crazy when I play my little xylophone piano for her. And I'm not sure if I should call him my GrandDog or Uncle Fuller, but either way, I just couldn't stop smiling at him!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Rhode Island

Doug and Aunt Gina
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Rhode Island is a nice place to visit, especially when you have lots of great aunts and uncles and cousins visiting there too! I have some crazy relatives. They make silly faces and sounds and try to make me laugh. Here I am with hanging out with Gina and Doug-- they came all the way from Arizona. I've never been to Arizona but I think it's far. Rhode Island is only one nap away from home. I fall asleep and when I wake up, we're there!