
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Crawling around in Maine

We got some video of the first little crawls. Check it out here if the video below doesn't work.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Moving on up

Croz and Aino 1
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
I've been doing lots of practice moving around this weekend. I'm finally figuring out how to maneuver my little body around. No more tipping over and bonking my head on the floor (well, maybe once in awhile still). My favorite trick is to twist around to go from a crawling position back up to sitting again. And today I pulled myself up to stand, using Dad's legs. I can also get on my hands and feet and strike a few yoga poses. I took a few crawling steps but I still haven't quite mastered that. All the dogs have been showing me how to jump up on the furniture... maybe I'll try that next.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!

Turkey Dinner
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
I'm having a great time up here at Grandma and Grandpa Woods's place in Maine. It's pretty sunny out, so we got to go on some nice walks yesterday, and roamed around a bit with Uncle Hub and Aunt Pat too. I saw a Bald Eagle! It was very big.

But mostly we ate a lot. Even I got to eat some Turkey Dinner too, but mine was from a jar. Everybody else had tasty crabcakes from Grandpa Woods, and delicious lamb and turkey and green beans and sweet potatoes and stuffing and gravy and cranberry sauce from Grandma Woods. Even my cousin Lila helped out by making some rolls. Then we had some wildly scrumptious pies (pumpkin, apple, and pecan) from Aunt Pat. Yum!

When we weren't eating or walking, we were being entertained by Lila, who is very fun. Happy Thanksgiving everybody!

Monday, November 20, 2006


Rubbery sea anemone thing
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Hi everybody. Sorry it's taken me awhile to update my blog here - it's been really busy. I had to rake a lot of leaves - 40 bags worth, which is hard to do when you're only 8 months old. But I'm finally finished. Dad helped a little.

And so did Grandma Vitale! She came up to see me for the weekend, and we had lots of fun strolling around town and swinging at the park. Mom and Dad got to take the day off from parental duties - they went to Salem where they ate tasty seafood and saw the sights, including the famous Salem Witch Museum.

Lately I've been really good at sitting. I kind of like sitting more than trying to crawl. Sitting lets me do all sorts of crazy things with my hands, like play my xylophone and pull the rubbery spines on my nifty sea anemone toy. Today I spent a solid 10 minutes just pulling and stretching in my own little elastic rubbery world. I also like to help mom and dad read the mail. Pretty exciting around here!

Cousins Brian and Bridget and Olivia stopped by with their dad Uncle Herb. We had a great time playing Taboo - it's a really great game because there's this fun buzzer that always cracks me up. Then we ate hamburgers.

And last night we saw even more cousins and Aunts and Uncles over at Lila and Alexander's house. I really like it there, because they have blocks - much more than I have at home. Blocks are my favorite. I helped cousin Lila build a big block tower. She's very good at blocks.

Well that's about it. Thanks for stopping by - and check out the new photos when you get a chance.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Checkin' out Chickens

chicken chicken
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
I've seen cats and dogs and birds and squirrels before, but until this weekend, I had only seen farm animals in my storybooks. We went to Drumlin Farm and visited the pigs, goats, sheep, mules, and chickens. The chickens were my favorite. They walked right up to me. (okay, so I was sitting next to their food but I still think they liked me)

My cousin Lila and my new little cousin Alexander came too. Alexander sleeps a lot because he's just a little baby. When he gets older he can look at the chickens with me. I'm pretty old now... 8 months already!

Like my pumpkin hat? Grandma Woods knitted it for me and it has a stem and leaf that stick up from the top.

Be sure to check out my ferocious dinosaur Halloween costume (click on this photo to see the other photos). My pal Scooter was a kangaroo, and I saw some of my other baby friends all dressed up too.

That's about all the news here. Thanks for visiting!