
Sunday, January 21, 2007

Tummy Trouble

Originally uploaded by enwudz.
We've had a couple of rough days here fighting stomach viruses. Mom started feeling really yucky on Saturday afternoon, and I was kind of blah all day today and didn't eat very much until dinner time. But even then I couldn't keep dinner down. Even though I'm not feeling 100% OK, I'm being a trooper and I'm still in a good mood, mostly.

I'm really good at crawling now - I must have done 20 laps around the house today. AND I can stand up too. But mainly I'm hoping that we can all feel better soon.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Beyond the Living Room

Loving the new learning table
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Since we got back home after the holidays, I realized that I don't have to just crawl around the little area rug in the living room... I can crawl anywhere I want! There are so many interesting things around here... Dad's guitar, Zipper's water bowl and litterbox, the bathroom, Mom's rolling desk chair, power cords, kitchen drawers. We've been having lots of fun.

This week Mom and Dad kept asking me, "How big is Crosby?" and then they'd say SO BIG and stretch their arms out. It's ridiculous but I went along with it. So now I like to throw my arms up in the air at random times, just to see how excited they get. I am getting pretty big, by the way.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Happy New Year!

My Tower of Christmas Loot!
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
We're back home after an action-packed trip to NJ. The holidays are crazy. So many people and dogs and presents and food and cookies. I had a great time. Maybe we can do it all again next week! And I have lots of new toys to play with now and some spiffy new clothes to wear too... thanks everybody! We got home at midnight last night and I was barely awake when Mom carried me in from the car, but I was awake enough to smile at Zip the cat. I was very excited to see him again. And I slept like a baby last night... it's good to be back in my comfy crib.