
Monday, February 26, 2007

one more week

Aunt Carey is GREAT!
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Only one more week before I'm one! I hear Mom and Dad buzzing about a party coming up... I wonder what they're planning!

Grandpa Menzel, Grandma Roberts, Fuller, and Aunt Carey visited me last weekend. They watched me play and then we went to a yummy restaurant where I had fun climbing around the booth seat. It was great to see everybody, although I have to admit I get a little nervous around anyone who isn't Mom or Dad. Poor Grandpa just wanted to pick me up and give me a squeeze but I wouldn't let him. It's silly, I know.

I can stack my plastic rings now instead of just pulling them off the stick and throwing them around the floor (although I still enjoy that too). And I finally figured out how to put the circle blocks into my shape sorter... the other shapes are still giving me trouble. It's pretty tough. My favorite activity of the week is rolling plastic balls across the floor and chasing them.

And I've finally gotten used to eating stuff like cheerios and banana chunks and noodles. But I still refuse to feed myself. I like to pick the food up and examine it and play with it and drop it off my tray, but I'll only eat it if Mom or Dad actually puts the food in my mouth. I've never been very interested in putting stuff in my mouth like all the other babies. Maybe one of these days I'll try doing it myself, but for now I think I'll enjoy the feeding service.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Grandma Woods knitted this happy Valentine's Day sweater. I look pretty charming in it, don't you think... especially with all that drool running down my chin. The big collar sops it up nicely.

Mom and I didn't step foot outside all day on Valentine's Day because of the nasty snowstorm. We did all my favorite indoor activities-- at the top of my list this week is pulling all the books off the bookshelves. Then Mom puts them back. Then I pull them down again... and again and again and again. Check out the photos to see me in action (click on this photo to see the rest).

And here's a little video clip. I'm pretty ticklish.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

11 months!

Bubbles are Fun!
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Now that I'm 11 months old, I've learned all sorts of new things. I can wave bye bye and hello, I can point out the dogs and cats and bears in my picture book, I can go get my stuffed dog when Mom or Dad asks me to go get it. I can cruise from one end of the couch to the other, and I can play lots of tunes on my music table, and rearrange the magnets on the fridge. And I like having long conversations with Dad... he says "Crosby!" and I say "Da Da!" and then he says "Crosby!" and I say "Da Da" and then... okay, you get the idea.

This weekend was great. Mom's super-fun friend Annie came to visit from Portland, Oregon. She read me books and played with me, and I was sad to see her go. Check out the new photos!