
Monday, May 21, 2007

Busy Busy!

Giggling with Grandma
Originally uploaded by enwudz.

Sorry I haven't been blogging so much lately, but it's been non-stop action around here for the last couple of weeks.

About two weeks ago now, Mom and I went to Maine to visit Grandma and Grandpa Woods in their house by the river. I had a lot of fun exploring Grandma's kitchen and showing off all my new words - I said "Ba Ba!" every day when Grandpa Woods went off to work. The weather was great up there, so we spent a lot of time outside enjoying the sun and the trees and the chirpy birds. We also went out for a fancy Mother's Day brunch, and I was an especially good baby guy at the restaurant. Dad came up for a day at the end of our stay and we had fun strolling up and down the river in Bucksport. I like Maine (especially when it's warm).

Then this past weekend, Mom's super friend Beth came out to visit. It was her first trip on a plane in about 10 years ... just to see me! Very exciting. She knew exactly what to do - lots of reading of my favorite books, and tons of goofiness to keep my cackling. Her three kids in Ohio (and one on the way!) are extremely lucky to have such a good mom.

And tomorrow Mom and Dad's friends and neighbors from California are visiting with their new little guy Henry. Maybe I'll show them all how good I am at standing up on my own. Or maybe I'll show them how I can feed myself cheerios and kix and gardenburgers and stuff (yes! I finally learned how to do it!) I'll probably just try to make Henry laugh.

Thanks for visiting, and as always, be sure to check for new photos!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


1917: Crosby loves Zip . . .
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Sometimes I wonder if Zip loves me as much as I love Zip. He's a good cat though... he doesn't get mad when I pet him in the wrong direction. Maybe if I keep playing with his tail and stuff, he'll come around.

I haven't spent much time blogging lately because I've finally been able to spend lots of time outside in the sunny springtime weather. Perfect timing too-- Grandma Vitale came up to visit this past weekend and we had lots of fun outdoors, swinging with Scooter, going to the park, and I even had my first vanilla soft ice cream treat from the ice cream truck! Yum! I was sad to see her go, but luckily Grandma Woods came the very next day! Today I helped her do some gardening in the backyard, and we went for a long walk.

With all the crummy weather we had earlier though, I've had plenty of time to hone some of my fine motor skills indoors. I like to balance my plastic coins on edge, and make big stacks with my blocks.

I'm also getting more chatty lately. I can say bye bye (ba ba), all done (ah-oh), woof (wuh, when I see a dog walking by), Brown Bear (bwa ba, when I want to read my Brown Bear book), banana (na na), and teeth (thh!, when it's time to brush my teeth). And of course Da Da is still my favorite thing to say.

ok, ba ba for now!