
Saturday, May 27, 2006

summer's here

After all of that rain, it's finally sunny and warm. Today was so toasty that I spent most of it hanging out in just my onesie. What happened to the Spring?

I'm getting pretty good at sitting up by myself. I can only do it for a little bit though, then I fall over verrrry slowly.

Today we went over to Andover to visit my nifty friends Kevin and Jen. They have a very nice house that stays cool when it's sunny, and they have a beautiful back yard with all sorts of lush plants. I'm always a very good baby when we go someplace different - I just love to look at all of the new stuff.

Lots of grandmas and grandpas are coming up to visit soon - I can't wait to see them!

Monday, May 22, 2006

Road Trip!

hanging out at the coffee shop.JPG
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Yeah, that's right, I'm hangin' with the college kids at the coffee shop at Williams College. No, I'm not really checking out colleges yet. We went there for a wedding-- Dad's fabulous friends Erin and Matt got married! Congrats to them! We walked around the beautiful campus a little but it was rainy so we went to an art museum. My favorite painting was a portrait of a man wearing a suit... he looked so real that I had to give him a big grin. Road trips are fun! We even stopped at Friendly's on the way there. Mom and Dad had some eggs and stuff. I had some milk.

Don't forget you can click on the photo to see some other new pictures. I know all you grandmas out there have been checking for new ones!

Sunday, May 14, 2006

Happy Mom's Day

My upstairs friend
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
I was a very good baby today for Mom, which was the best present of all.

It's been raining like crazy here for what seems like forever, so we can't go for our fun weekend walks outside. So instead, we all went to the mall today, and Dad and I did lots of laps and made some friends while Mom did some shopping for much needed non-maternity duds.

We also got to hang around a bit with our neighbors, and I visited with my new pal Scooter (not his real name, but what I'll call him on this worldwide broadcast) who lives upstairs. I was very happy to see him again. If it ever stops raining, and if we ever learn to walk, we're going to have lots of fun zooming around the back yard together. Until then, it's just fun to sit and talk. Since he's about six weeks older than me, maybe he can teach me how to do important big boy stuff like holding my head straight. I haven't quite figured out the secret to that yet.

Happy Mom's day to all of the Grandmas out there! Thanks for stopping by my blog.


Saturday, May 13, 2006

pants and socks

It's been raining all week, and nonstop all day long today. We've been inside a lot since it's soggy outside, so mom decided to it was a good day for me to try on some of my new clothes. I'm getting too tall for my little baby clothes. Today's the first day I've ever worn pants. And socks. See, I usually wear footsie pajamas everyday, all day long. I like wearing pj's, but I think I look grown-up and sporty in my red shirt and gray pants. Plus my shirt has a dog on it so you can't go wrong with that.

And here I am reading Dad one of my favorite books, "I Wish That I Had Duck Feet". I'm pointing to the pictures to help him understand the story.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Traveling Man

I've been a busy baby so this may be a long post. I took the train all the way to New Jersey with Mom last Thursday. First Dad helped us take the subway to get to the big train station. Check me out taking the red line with all the rush hour commuters.

I liked our 5-hour train ride, and all the grandmas on the train liked talking to me. After we got to NJ, we stayed with Grandma and Grandpa Vitale. On Friday we visited with GREAT Grandma and Grandpa Vitale, and Aunt Bette too.

Then on Saturday, we had a cookout, and Great Grandma McSherry, Uncle Greg, and Mom's friend Gina came.

Later on, Aunt Liz and Uncle Alan came to see me too. I'm a very popular guy.

On Sunday, Mom and I went to Cousin Kristina's baby shower. I'm glad she's having a baby soon... I'll have a new cousin to play with. I was the only boy allowed to stay at the shower. I sat at a table with Grandma Kay, Aunt Carey, Aunt Terry and Aunt Maria, and Cousin Jill. They all passed me around and we watched Kristina open LOTS of presents.

Monday, May 01, 2006

8 weeks already

That's right, I'm 8 weeks old today. Counting my age by weeks is kind of confusing I celebrate today or on May 6 when I'm 2 months old, or both? In any case, forget the birthday cake-- I think I'll just have some milk to celebrate!

As you can see, Mom and I do lots of laundry together. I'm in charge of making all the laundry dirty and Mom's in charge of making it clean. Then I help her fold it all. Well okay I don't help so much but I do watch and cheer her on.

After the laundry folding today, Mom made me do some tummy time so I can be super fit. I'm getting pretty good at holding my head up but it's hard work!