
Thursday, December 28, 2006

Happy Christmas!

Merry Croz-Moose!
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Hi there! We've had a busy week - whew! I've been getting all sorts of great baby loot for Christmas - thanks everybody!

Grandma and Grandpa Woods came down from Maine on Christmas Eve, and we all went to Noel and Johanna and Alexander and Lila's house for some very tasty dinner. Uncle Hub and Aunt Pat were there too, so I had lots of fun folks with play with and smile at. Plus there were four dogs running around - it was very action-packed! I love dogs.

Now we're down in New Jersey visiting Grandpa Menzel and Grandma Roberts and my Grand-dog Fuller. Uncle Greg and Aunt Carey were here for a bit too. Yesterday we all piled into cars and headed to the coast (ie. down the shore) to Uncle Allen and Aunt Terry's place for a very big party with lots of people. I got to meet all sorts of new cousins and play legos with them on the floor. Tomorrow we're headed up to Grandma and Grandpa Vitale's place. I can't wait to see them! But now I have to go to sleep because I'm wiped out. Christmastime sure is busy.

Friday, December 22, 2006

White Christmas?

Hanging out in my crozziesuit 3
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Hi everybody! I was hoping for a White Christmas this year, but it's still about 50 degrees outside, and I can even go out and play in the grass if I wear my Crozziesuit. So although this Christmas will not be White, I'm excited because some Whites are coming to town along with Grandma and Grandpa Woods. I'm really excited to see them all, and to show them all of my new tricks. Also, I can't wait to go see all of the Grandmas and Grandpas and Aunts and Uncles in New Jersey. See you very soon!

Saturday, December 16, 2006


Today I learned how to do something new - I learned how to clap! This is very exciting. I'm not so good yet at aiming my hands so that they always hit each other, but I'm getting better at it already.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Swingers the Movie

Yup I love to swing. Dad and I took a walk to a different park today. Very exciting! The swings there are even better than the swings at Spy Pond, I think. I'm a swing connoisseur. A swingelier. A Swingsketeer. These new swings get five stars in the Crozzelin guide to haute-swinging.

Dad took the video on our little Canon point-and-shoot. He just discovered that rotating a video clip is much more involved than rotating a picture. Turns out that filming in "vertical" mode is not so ideal. This would seem obvious to most people, right?

Which leads to more Spy Ponderings: is combobulated the opposite of discombobulated? If not, why not? If so, it's my new favorite word.

Mom's coming home tomorrow morning - hooray!!!

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

One day down, two to go

Spy Ponder
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Mom's out of town for three whole days and I miss her tons. I hope she's having fun in San Francisco.

Here's a blow-by-blow account of the day, so that Mom knows that we're staying out of trouble while she's gone.

We're trying our best to have fun out here in Massachusetts. After my nap this morning (I was a very good baby for dad and went to sleep right away), we went downtown for some errands. Then we went to Carberrys (I call it Crozberrys) so dad could get a tasty drink and I could get some milk from my bottle. Dad picked up a Crozzant to go, and we headed down to Spy Pond Park, where I had a blast swinging. Check out the photos! It was a pretty nice day out, so we went walking around the neighborhood for another hour or so, and saw lots of other babies. Then I had a big lunch.

Which reminds me: Mom's always a bit worried about the diaper department, so I just want to assure her that everything is A-OK there. All systems go. And go. And go. If you know what I mean.

Then we headed up to church for Wednesday tea. I snoozed in the car on the way up, so I was glad that traffic was really bad on Mass Ave - gave me a chance to sleep even more. When I woke up, though, I didn't know where I was, and I missed mom, and I had kind of a meltdown. After about 20 minutes, though, I was OK, and I played with my blocks on the floor while the other folks told war stories (really! war stories! Living history up there at LUMC - very fascinating).

Then we came back and had a big dinner, and I played with my friend Esnail. And then it was the normal bedtime routine, but that was when I really realized that Mom wasn't around. I was sad, but I still went to sleep without much fuss.

Two more days to go! I can't wait 'til mom comes back.

Sunday, December 10, 2006

another little baby

kevin, jen and damon
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
Today we visited our friends Kevin and Jen who have a little 6 week old baby named Damon. Mom went to high school with Kevin. Damon is very cute! Don't I look like a giant next to him? I tried to show him my toys but he didn't seem interested. Maybe when he gets a little older we can play together.

I'm getting much better at crawling these days. Today I even figured out how to open up the cabinet doors where the stereo is. Mom is going to California this week for work and I get to hang out with Dad for 3 days. I'm gonna miss Mom but I'll try to be a good baby for Dad.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Big Weekend!

Andy, Zip, and Croz
Originally uploaded by enwudz.
I heard a rumor that I have some big fans out in Portland Oregon - this photo's for them!

So far it hasn't really been that wintery out here, which is good for me because I don't like bundling up in my fuzzy crozzlesuit so much.

On Friday we all went down to the pool for family hour - it was a madhouse. A madhouse! Crazy splashing babies and kids everywhere. I finally started to have some fun just as we were about to leave - I was having a great time making big splashes and chasing a ball around. Yesterday we tried out our baby backpack for the first time. Mom and Dad and I walked down to East Arlington for some Christmas shopping during Arlington's big first lights festival. Mom and Dad got a free cookie at Quebrada bakery (Mmmmm!!) while I had some milk.

On Saturday night I got to visit with my friend Andy for the first time. I really liked him a lot, and I think he liked me too. He was making Mom and Dad laugh lots with his funny stories, and I was making him laugh lots with my funny faces.

Today we had a great time up in Lexington at a staff brunch for church. I'm a pretty popular guy at church - I like to try and distract people with my big grins during the service.

That's about all the news from here. It hasn't been as action-packed around here as it was in Maine over Thanksgiving, so I'm really looking forward to seeing everybody over Christmas. Thanks for stopping by!

As always, check my flickr page for the latest photos.